Advanced Demo
for “Marine Canvas - Proliner to Pattern
Step 3: Convert 3D Surfaces into 2D Flat Patterns”
If you create fabric or canvas products for the marine industry, 3D to 2D digital patterning can help do more work in less time. In this demo series, we feature Prodim Proliner device, Rhino 3D and ExactFlat 3D to 2D Digital Patterning Software. To make better marine canvas faster we only go through three steps. After capturing the geometry of the boat using the Proliner we converted the data into 3D surfaces, the third step, illustrated in this video, is to convert the 3D surfaces into 2D flat patterns.
Table of Contents
Here’s the table of contents to the “How to Make Better Marine Canvas Faster - Step 3” video. This video shows how to convert the 3D Surfaces into 2D Flat Patterns. For this step we use ExactFlat 3D to 2D software. Use the links below to navigate to the section of interest or watch the entire video: