Pattern making involves translating 3D geometrical designs into 2D patterns that can be cut, assembled and placed or formed into a final product.

2D Pattern of a Car Seat Bun

3D Model of a Car Seat Bun

Paint Protection Film - Flexible plastic film adhered to the exterior surface of a vehicle.  The film is fabricated into templates that fit on sections such as the hood, mirror, quarter panel, or bumper etc.  The 2D sections of film wrap onto the 3D sections of the vehicle. 

A car seat or upholstered chair - a 3D geometrical form with fabric or leather convering composed of individual pattern pieces joined or sewn together and then wrapped onto the 3D structure of the seat. Individual pattern pieces are cut from fabric.

A carbon fibre motorcycle fender - a 3D geometrical form composed of several offset layers of carbon fibre cloth with the fibre grain direction rotated on each ply.  Each ply is constructed from a 2D pattern that takes the desired 3D shape when manufactured.

  1. By hand - This 500 year old artisanal process works, but it is slow, expensive, and inconsistent.

  2. From 3D CAD - Designers develop 3D CAD models, whose surfaces are split into relevant pattern sections. The 3D models are then flattened into 2D patterns for cutting, sewing, and assembling onto the form.

  3. From 3D Scanners - 3D scanners collect data from an object’s surface, creating a digital 3D replica. Once processed and split into pattern pieces, this 3D data is then converted into 2D patterns that can be cut, sewn and assembled on the original 3D part.  

3D scanners make pattern making faster.

3D scanners are precise, offering better than millimeter accuracy.

3D scanners make it easy to produce design variations and customized options

  • Increase Revenue - Broaden services to attract more clients.

  • Expand Market - Enter new sectors with your specialized services.

  • Boost Loyalty - Improve satisfaction leading to repeat business.

  • Leverage Skills - Differentiate yourself, integrate pattern making, stand out.

  1. Partner with ExactFlat - you scan, we pattern.

  2. We can find and share new leads - If we find customers in your area that need scanning and pattern making, we can introduce your services,  and you can do the same for us.

  3. You provide scanning services, and scan processing services. (all this revenue is yours).

  4. ExactFlat will convert those scans to manufactureable 2D patterns, with seam allowances, notches, grain lines, markings and other pattern features as required.  ExactFlat will pay you a 10% commissions on jobs from your leads - jobs can be between $5-50K.

  5. It's a Win-Win.

We are already doing it.  We have clients in 22 countries including car seating OEM, Marine, Oil and Gas, Inflatables, paint protection film, medical, etc.

Let's work together,  find new opportunities, get new clients, deliver valued services, and grow revenue.