The 3 Most Important Questions That Help Close Business.

Asking customers these 3 questions, helps to frame the value offered by ExactFlat in an optimal way.  We recommend you ask them at the beginning of your sales process.  

Question 1:

How many patterns do you create each month?

Question 2:

How many hours does it take to complete one pattern?

Question 3:

Why do you want to switch to Digital Patterning with ExactFlat?

  •  I want to improve profit.
  •  I want to improve quality.
  •  I want to expand into new product lines.
  •  I want to beat the competition.

These questions help to zero in on the financial value and reasons for making a business change.  The answers in question 3  relate to the  core motivation for change. The answers to questions 1 and 2 help you to create an instant ROI.

How to Create a One Minute ROI

The blue boxes below are variables that require input.  The first two boxes relate to questions 1 and 2 above.  The third box can be approximated.  For pattern makers in the United States, $40.00 per hour is a reasonable approximation.  

To download a copy of the Instant ROI template: Click here or the image below for automatic Excel download.

If you have questions, or would like help working with a prospect of closing a deal, we are here to assist you.  Please contact